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Fishwicks Funeral Service

Fishwicks Funeral Service


Fishwicks Funeral Service established in 1935 is owned and ran by John & Val Fishwick alongside their daughters Jayne & Kate.

We provide a professional, caring, friendly service to families and their loved ones at their time of need. We are on call 24 hours, 7 days, covering the South Lakes and North Lancashire area. Our head office is situated at Beetham Hall.

We offer a range of funeral options from the more traditional funeral to the simple no fuss approach, you can bespoke your funeral option to your exact needs. We offer an extensive tribute range allowing your loved one to be remembered in your own personal way.

The Fishwick family also own and run two crematoria, Beetham Hall Crematorium at Beetham and Eden Valley Crematorium at Temple Sowerby, Penrith.

Contact Information:

Website:               fishwicksfunerals.co.uk


Beetham Hall, Beetham LA7 7BQ (Head Office)

Contact Information

Beetham Hall, Beetham LA7 7BQ (Head Office)
Zip/Post Code

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