AKL - Archive

Around Kirkby Lonsdale (AKL) Magazine is a monthly (sometimes bi-monthly) community print magazine distributed for free throughout the Kirkby Lonsdale area. It features monthly news and views from the Church and the Community and is an important resource for community events, local news and happenings in our community. You can download it right here. AKL is a Rainbow Parish production by the Church of England in the Lune Valley

AKL July-Aug2024 cover
AKL Cover June 2024
May AKL 2024
AKL March 2024
AKL Feb 2024
AKL Dec 2023
AKL Oct 23
AKL May 2023
April 23 AKL Cover
March 23 AKL Cover
Feb 23 AKL Cover
Dec-Jan 22-23 AKL Cover
AKL November 22