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The Zero Pantry

The Zero Pantry

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Born and raised in a small town on the North Island of New Zealand, my dream of seeing the world started 27 years ago.  Having travelled to Kirkby Lonsdale, I met my husband, did a bit of travelling and settled down to raise my two children in one of the most beautiful areas of the UK.

Over the last few years I have become increasingly frustrated with the amount of plastic that we as consumers go through and the lack of plastic free options in the area.

On the 1st August 2020, The Zero Pantry in Kirkby Lonsdale opened it's doors for the first time.  This was quickly followed by The Zero Pantry in Sedbergh on the 1st December of the same year.  Both shops work alongside each other to bring plastic free, environmentally friendly options to the Lune Valley.

At The Zero Pantry we are passionate about supporting local and Cumbria is teaming with environmentally friendly companies.  You will find many locally sourced, eco friendly products ranging from foods to personal care (check out our product list for a further details).

Our ethos is very simple - it's not too late.  By just changing one thing as an individual, collectively we will make a difference.


10 Main Street, Kirkby Lonsdale, Carnforth, UK

Contact Information

10 Main Street, Kirkby Lonsdale, Carnforth, UK
Zip/Post Code

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